Surfbiking is very similar to riding a bicycle and very easy to learn. The Surfbike looks like a surfboard on which a steering mechanism ( handlebars, steering column and rudder ) and a pedal unit with a propeller have been added. Surfbike has three distinctive components ; a board, asteering mechanism and a propulsion system.
Surfbike is a high-quality, recreational product that is simple to use by people of all ages. Surfbike makes efficient use of human strenght, given that a persons legs have greater resistance and develop up to twice as much power as the arms. What is more, the mechanical advantage offered by the propellor enables a rider to go much faster than in a canoe, kayak or pedalboat.Environmentally friendly : The Surfbike poses no threat to the environment. It does not contribute to exhaust and noise pollution in and around our waters.
Surfbike has many applications ; recreation, fitness, transportation, etc. it is perfect for all ages. Surfbike is easy to carry, virtually maintenance free and easy to store. It’s quick-release system permits assembly or disassembly in less then one minute.
The Surfbike is created to meet the needs of people looking for new thrills and new ways of enjoying outdoor activities. The Surfbike allows group activities , excursions and monitoring on water while excercising and protecting the environment. Most of all, it’s unique, fun and very exciting !
Since its introduction in1995, the Surfbike has met with outstanding success. In fact, people are already enjoying the Surfbike in over 80 countries around the world.
The Surfbike is suitable for all people and for all ages and can be used on all water surfaces you can imagine. The Surfbike is a very environmental friendly product that doesn’t produce any sound or air contamination. In practice the Surfbike is used for recreation, tourist trips, fitness and contests.

Technical Specifications:
UV resistant polystyrene board
Aluminium handlebar and aluminium pedal crank
Stainless steel propeller shaft
Board Dimensions:
length: 3.75 m width: 0.72m depth: 0.23 m
Board weight: 18 kg
Total weight: 29 kg
Speed: 5 knots